The Downs SEC Energy Master Plan is funded and supported by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) as part of it’s Sustainable Energy Communties program
An Energy Master Plan helps communities understand the energy demand and supply. Every community is encouraged to look at energy efficiency first. This is because energy efficiency work is typically low risk and has high payback. The Energy Master Plan is also a live record of the community’s energy status and achievements. It will evolve to form the foundation for other applications and projects. For more information on the SEAI’s Energy Master Plan initiative, please go to this link
Survey Homes Selected
We received 21 applicants for our free BER and Energy Uplift Report for the EMP baseline energy use data collection process. Unfortunately, we could only select 7 homes. This has been done and the homeowners are being contacted by our BER Assessors Midlands Energy.
A Building Energy Rating Certificate, BER
This is an assessment of the building fabric and the heating systems of your home to establish a ‘state of play’ picture in relation to the energy required to supply hot water, to light and to keep your home at confortable temperatures.
A full description of the BER system is shown here:
BER Advisory Report
This is a report on the measures that you could take to reduce your energy use and the carbon footprint of your home, amd to improve your BER.
More information on this here:
EV Comparison Details [1]

[1] Comparison is from the SEAI’s tool available for hundreds of models and makes LINK